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Cornerstone Church Family,

I've recently finished an online meeting with our Pastoral Staff, and we are united in agreement that we want to be full of faith, and walk in wisdom. We want to do what is best for our church, and for those around us.

As of right now, until further notice, we won't be hosting any on-site gatherings at either of our campus locations.

All of our Life Together Groups, Prayer Meetings, and other weekly gatherings need to discover other creative ways to function and remain connected, but they will not be taking place in person. Our pastoral team is going to help give caring leadership to the logistics of this. 

Please check back for regular updates.

Our Sunday services will move to an Online Format only. The services will commence at the regular meeting times (Calgary @ 9:45am & Airdrie @ 10:45am), and will be accessible through Facebook and this website. Our services will include worship, a sermon, kid's ministry options and a time for prayer, and more!

It's going to take some effort from all of us, but we will get through this together.

For now, let's extend our reach.

Let's reach out to God in prayer, as we look to Him for His provision, His protection, but most of all, His Presence.

Let's also reach out to those around us - extending care in the love of Jesus.

Even though we are closing the doors to our buildings and our in-person gatherings, this is an Open Door of Opportunity to minister, to connect, and to care for others. Let's walk through it together.

Following Jesus Together,

Pastor Barry